Introducing "god Faced" KARAM

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Stage name: KARAM
Real name: Park Hyuncheol 박현철
Birthdate: 1991.06.28
Height: 1,78cm
Bloodtype: B

- Former Xing member
- Used to go by the name of RISING
- He's bffs with Jay and Injoon
- He once said to Arirang TV's MC that he didn't like thai food the chef made for them when they went to thailand

First impressions of:
Mika: Beautiful
Hyunmin: Jang DongGun
Injoon: My friend
Jay: Cute

Impressions after getting along a lot:
Mika: Singer~
Hyunmin: Prince
Injoon: My friend
Jay: Dancer

karam dalam pandangan saya :
member yang paling cakeppp....suaranya maniss(mirip mirip suaranya young saeng)
dancenya okee,,,lucu di berbagai variety show ataupun selfcam mereka..lancar banget bahasa jepang..

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